VORAATH's new album "Vol 1: The Hymn of the Hunters" is due out on June 17th just before they kick off their tour dates with Gorgatron and Casket Robbery.
Tour Dates w/ Gorgatron, Casket Robbery, Voraath
June 19 - Fargo, ND - The Aquarium
June 21 - Missoula, MT - The Dark Horse
June 22 - Richland, WA - Ray’s Golden Lion
June 23 - Seatle, WA - The Funhouse
June 24 - Portland, OR - Twilight Cafe and Bar
June 26 - San Francisco, CA - DNA Lounge
June 27 - Hollywood, CA - Knucklehead
June 28 - San Diego, CA - Brick by Brick
June 29 - San Louis Obispo, CA - Humdinger Brewing
June 30 - Tempe, AZ - Metal Head’s Clubhouse
July 1 - El Paso, TX - Rock House
July 2 - Thornton, CO - Trailside Saloon
July 3 - Albuquerque, NM - Rensden
July 5 - Austin, TX - Come and Take it Live
July 6 - Corpus Christi, TX - Boozerz Rock Bar
July 7 - Houston, TX - The Compound
July 8 - New Orleans, LA - The Goat
July 9 - Nashville, TN - The End
July 10 - Springfield, MO - The Odyssey
July 11 - Lincoln, NB - Cosmic Eye
July 12 - Kansas City, MO - Farewell
July 13 - Sioux Falls, SD - Bigs
August 24 - Battle Creek, MI - Michigan Metal Fest - Leila Arboretum - info
Quick Info:
Prepare for a unique extreme metal experience as USA’s Voraath will unveil its debut album “Vol 1: The Hymn of the Hunters” next month on June 17th on Exitus Stratagem Records. The band encapsulates real-life events in their complex musical universe, inviting listeners to join them on a dystopian planet through their immersive storytelling. This album is not just heavy and brutal; it's a thought-provoking investment into another world, scored with metal.
“Vol 1: The Hymn of the Hunters” represents months of meticulous development, where each member played an essential role in refining and expanding the complex world that accompanies the music. Dressed as characters from their own dystopian lore, the band becomes god-hunters on a mission, clad in tactical armor and Alien-like helmets with red glowing lights.
With this release, Voraath wants to take the listener into another world and take them on a journey that is heavy yet sad, brutal yet immersive, and boldly scored with metal. They are recommended for metal fans who want to dig into a rich tapestry of sci-fi storytelling and who enjoy Acid Bath, Septic Flesh, and Gojira.