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Copenhagen hardcore crew SYL releases new EP ‘afmagt’

Jason Hesley

The Copenhagen hardcore band SYL drills its way into the pain with the new EP 'afmagt' (Danish for ‘powerlessness') out today, June 7th, 2024, via Audible Records. With ‘afmagt’, SYL follows up on the the debut album 'alt godt' from 2022 and furtherly develops its fusion of punk, hardcore and metal while releasing its most aggressive, indignant material to date. This can be heard of the EP’s two singles, that includes guest vocal performances from Jonathan Albrechtsen (ROT AWAY) on ‘igen’ and Thomas Burø (Lack, Tvivler) on ‘rose.

SYL’s front man and lyricist Benjamin Clemens states on the EP:

“We didn’t necessarily set out to write an angrier project, I think it was just the natural next step for us. All of the subjects that we discussed when creating ‘afmagt’, and the lyrics I wanted to write for these songs, had a more aggressive edge to them when compared to some of the older stuff. Maybe there’s just a lot of things to be mad about right now…”

SYL's new EP 'afmagt is available on digital formats HERE, while the vinyl - limited to 300 black copies - is available on July 19th and can be pre-ordered HERE. Additionally, SYL's debut album 'all good' has just been released for the first time on a limited vinyl of 300 purple marble copies and can be ordered HERE.

SYL will play at First Days at this year’s Roskilde Festival (DK) and has just announced a performance at Smukfest (DK), while the band will perform in Norway this August with more Scandinavian shows to be announced.

SYL Live 2024

01.07 - Roskilde Festival (DK)

09.08 - Smukfest, Skanderborg (DK)

24.08 - Verket Festival, Mo i Rana (NO)

04.10 - Slag Town Slays, Slagelse (DK)

19.10 - Forbrændingen, Albertslund (DK)

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