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The Mountain King returns with what may be his heaviest and harshest release to date, "Stoma"

Jason Hesley

Message From the Artist:

Stoma, to us, has more than one meaning, on the literal side it is the unavoidable life saver in dire times, opening the abdomen and releasing fluids to support the healing process. The other side is the for us also relevant side as artists and humans in times of rising techology and fear concerning the future. A question of balance between every day life and the thoughts about the inevitable death of the individiual at the end of it. With our albums so far we often romanticized these thoughts. Our new album Stoma now is quite the opposite, a stoic yet cynic revenge on our own past, an already forgotten health crisis, other catastrophes and rising fascism at the doorstep. Musicwise it's our most diverse output so far, ranging from slow, crushing doom riffs, post-harcoresque rhythm sections to blast beats and melodic turns, while maintaining our drone guitar tunings and keeping our love for (dis-)harmonic arrangements and an ambient undertow.

- The Mountain King -

About the Album

Many bands and artists claim that their music is ambitious or innovative, however The Mount King is always able to back this claim up, as each release is just as forward thinking as the last.

On Stoma we see the project move in a harsher, heavier direction, as the project delivers what I would call their most crushing album to date. Fear not though to the prog fans out there as The MK's patented experimental approach is still very much at play throughout. It just finds itself featured less prevalently in parts of the album.

Despite this shift, on average the tracks still run between five and ten minutes on average, plenty of time for The MK to work in his expansive, mind altering magic. As always each song gradually evolves and unfolds before the listener as it progresses, as does the album as a whole.

So if you like prog metal with some bite or extreme metal with some experimentation, then do not miss Stoma.

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