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Jason Hesley

Succumb To Horror And Death Metal With “Kill.Bury.Repeat.” From TORN THE FUCK APART!

Kansas City, USA’s Torn The Fuck Apart (TTFA) has been amassing a brutal and gory discography since 2006 and now they continue their triumphant evolution as a three-piece powerhouse with their sixth release “Kill.Bury.Repeat.” that will bury listeners in a fury of death metal. Their sound features groove, aggression, and technicality layered with lyrics growling out themes of horror and homicide. They share their excitement for the latest release:

“We in TTFA are extremely excited to bring you our newest album “Kill.Bury.Repeat.” a collection of horror stories from our imagination or inspired by true events. We believe this album represents the next level of brutality that we have worked to achieve over the years not only musically but also lyrically, something that any fan of metal can enjoy.”

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