"Urban Psyche" is the band's first full-length and follows the two-tracks EP "The Start Of The Monkey" released in 2020. The album is about negative emotions one feels in an urban environment, taken from personal and others experiences. Not the simple emotions one may feel but those that are more distractive to one's inner peace and how these emotions rule over our lives.
StartTheMonkey would like the listeners to travel and get lost in their music, trying and feel what they have felt while composing this album as well as to reconsider the life model that has been placed upon us. Through the music, the band gives a message of hope that, thanks to a concerted effort all of us individually, can bring a wind of change to a better and brighter future life model.
The band's name StartTheMonkey means we should pursue our goals and ambitions. It means to wake up the monkey you have inside you, to move ahead despite the hurdles and the routine of everyday life. It symbolizes the flame that we all have in us that we should never let it burn out.