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Out now! Abysmal Rites - "The Sacrifice"

Jason Hesley

Abysmal Rites strikes back with the new single "The Sacrifice" that gives a foretaste of what to expect from their upcoming album entitled "Restoring The Primordial Order". The track features the same primitive heavy/sludge as always with only bass, drums and vocals. Recorded in the band's own base right in the middle of the forest, the mix reaches a balance between heavy, rolling riffs and darker, slower moments.

"The Sacrifice" lurks deep inside the realm of horror, rivaling the most spirited Halloween souls.

Single and the rest of the album were mixed by Oskari Hakala-Rahko and mastered by Jaakko Viitalähde at Virtalähde Mastering. The release will please the fans of such bands as Eyehategod, Conan, Iron Monkey, and Electric Wizard.

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