Hailing from Northern England, Acherontia Styx brings multiple creative influences to the table. Their core sound is steeped in 90s GROOVE and DEATH METAL, with individual members bringing a host of external flavours into the mix, including PROG, SHRED and ELECTRONIC. For fans of Arch Enemy, The Haunted, Melodic Death Metal & Experimental Music.
Acherontia Styx remains committed to writing and releasing from the heart, refusing to be tied down by genre tropes and blending broad influences using metal as a common ground.
Previous releases shift violently from traditional death and black metal arrangements, into groove based shred and psychedelic synth patterns, with a common focus on emotional release and dramatic structures. Adam Ashbridges smooth but aggressive production leads to a full sound that doesn't compromise on rawness.
“Our writing dynamic and diverse influences afford us the ability to write as we see fit. For Acherontia Styx music is a catharsis, where we can vent however we feel is most appropriate.
We’re thoroughly cohesive, but the beauty of what we do is in our ability to work independently from one another, safe in the knowledge that we will all support each other's ideas, and nourish each other's creativity. Music is art, and art should know no boundaries.”