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  • Jason Hesley

DEOCCULTED - An Eye For The Occulted Sun (Remix)!

Deocculted was born on the 4th of July 2018 when Xavier and Edgar reunited to write and perform music again. Rising from the ashes of life’s brutal realities, transforming dark experiences into allegorical compositions. Formed and based in Austin, Texas. This band kicks the door open full swing right out the gate as soon as the show begins with relentless brutal assault.

Deocculted have shared the stage with EyeHateGod, Psycroptic, Cannabis Corpse, Falluja, Narcotic Wasteland, The Convalescence, Genitortures, Infected Rain, Beyond Creation, and Born of Osiris! They are also scheduled to appear at this year's Tennessee Metal Devastation Music Fest!

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