AGATHODAIMON’s comeback, seven years after their release of In Darkness, is one not to miss: The Seven, the seventh studio album of the German frontrunners, will be released on March 18, 2022 via Napalm Records. AGATHODAIMON’s brand new ten track offering stays true to their old-school spirit hits with new vigor, one hard to pigeonhole due to its widespread musical styles, creating gloomy atmospheres with sharp growls and insane clear vocals. Prepare for an exceptional sonic universe! Let yourself be consumed by AGATHODAIMON’s obscure second single "Wolf Within", released today with a gloomy lyric video. The song is drenched in a sense of pain and nostalgia, and with lyrics such as ‘Taste the sin and cross the horizon, the world goes gently up in flames’, it’s impossible to overlook. An evocative guitar solo will guide to the peak of this doom-filled track and sets the listener free from its spell with one last emotional chorus. Founder, bandleader and guitarist Sathonys on “Wolf Within”: “We wanted to show a different side of the album with this song. While the first single sounded primarily aggressive and brute, 'Wolf Within' is just as dark, but a good bit more melodic and thanks to some quiet passages and Ashtrael's clear vocals also quite memorable. Enjoy this pre-taste of the upcoming album, and be sure to check out the lyric video, as it features some of the excellent artwork created to illustrate THE SEVEN.”
- Jason Hesley