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Crown Magnetar drop 'Realistic Flesh Mask' feat. Nick Arthur of Molotov Solution!

Jason Hesley

The first cut to be taken from forthcoming EP 'Alone in Death' - available for pre-order at

"Everyone will experience death. This song is about having to be a fake version of yourself. Forced to hide your emotions and continue crawling through the mud endlessly. People may think you are strong when confronted with suffering. But all you want to do is curl up and die."

IndieMerchstore pre-orders!

Watch the video NOW!

"While as a band we’ve always been about incredibly fast, incredibly jarring Deathcore, with strong death metal influence, “Alone In Death” was written with speed and captivation in mind, on top of our go-to writing styles. At the same time, we’ve added an emphasis on emotional depth and making sure the riffs and beats were as memorable as they were extreme. Everyone goes through varying degrees of hardship, pain and isolation. 'Alone in Death' reflects that both lyrically and emotionally."

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