CELESTIAL, a progressive extreme metal group from Bogor City, West Java, previously known as KILL ATHENA, has officially changed its name and released a new single titled "Poisoned Beyond Repair", the song taken from their second album, 'Broken Vows & Unspoken Truth' which is planned to be released in June 2023.
Regarding the decision to change the band's name, CELESTIAL vocalist Yoga Beges explained, "After releasing the first album 'Ravaging All Within' in 2018, the five of us felt that the name KILL ATHENA was no longer suitable with our current musical concept, the name change also aims to reflect our musical maturation as a band."
CELESTIAL, which is now reinforced by Yoga Beges (Vocals), Rsharsh (Guitar/Backing Vocals), Teguh (Guitar), Manda (Bass), and Sobron Haki (Drums) recorded "Poisoned Beyond Repair" at Tonebetter Soundlab and Drako Chambers, with the production process is done directly by the guitarist, Rsharsh.
Prior to releasing "Poisoned Beyond Repair", CELESTIAL had distributed two singles from their latest album, "Beneath My Eyes" in 2019, and "Eternity's Grasp" on February 4 2023, which also invited Chelsea Murphy, from the progressive/unit post-black metal DAWN OF OUROBOROS.
“Poisoned Beyond Repair” is now available on all digital streaming platforms starting today.