Midwest death machine CASKET ROBBERY has premiered a new track off their upcoming album, Rituals of Death.
Vocalist Megan Orvold-Scheider comments on the song, "'Return to the Sky’ came about after I was reading a book about death and burial practices around the world. I read about Tibetan sky burials and knew I had to write a song about it. We tend to fear things that we don’t know, and while this practice can seem gruesome to some, there is something so incredibly beautiful about your body being returned to the earth in the end."
Watch the video for "Return to the Sky" at this location.
"Return to the Sky" has been added to multiple streaming platforms. Stream the track now at casketrobbery.com/music
Rituals of Death will be out on November 11 on Blood Blast Distribution.
Pre-order the album at:
casketrobbery.com/store (CD and merch bundles)
casketrobbery.bandcamp.com (digital)