Canadian melodic power thrashers Triskelyon have a new music video to share for their track "A Time of War" off their debut album "Downfall" released on October 28th via Moribund Records. With “Downfall”, Triskelyon deliver an amazing headbanging album that harkens back to the old-school days of such luminaries as Forbidden, Agent Steel, Sentinel Beast, Détente, Overkill, and Testament. The album was mixed/mastered by Michael Small with the post-apocalyptic cover art by IvaanMR11.
Band founder Geoff Waye adds about the hard-hitting speed-moshing track:
“As someone who watches world events with endless wars and conflicts, pandemics, ignorance, and radical left/right division, it’s something that impacted the album and its title. The song “A Time of War” is a part of that, and not surprisingly, is about war and partially about the deplorable ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. Not only is it about that terrible event, but is also about how the rich oligarchs around the world, whether they be from Russia, or a western country, never really suffer when wars happen, they always profit while the rest of us pay the price, and for some, they pay that price with their very lives.“