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  • Jason Hesley

Canada’s Harvested Are Now Streaming Their Debut S/T Death Metal EP!

Harvested, hailing from Ontario and Quebec, Canada, is pleased to finally be releasing their debut self-titled EP. In the past few weeks, they have released a series of music videos to highlight singles and also show the intricacies of their music through playthroughs. Now fans can listen to the entire thing ahead of its official release via its premiere on NoCleanSinging HERE.

Lyrically, Harvested explores the topics of mental illness as a general theme. The drums have an old-school death metal feel with a modern touch and intricate yet very aggressive drum grooves. Vocally, Adam’s technique and overall projection is a respectful nod to George Fisher from Cannibal Corpse. The music stays mostly true to classic American Death Metal, but there are subtle elements from black metal and slam that make it interesting for a wide variety of listeners. They comment on the EP:

We are beyond thrilled to present our very first self-titled EP to everyone. After years of hard work and dedication, as well as lockdowns and a few minor setbacks have only made us more prepared and we are finally ready to show you all what we’ve got. Having years of musical background and being good friends for years has added to the energy and chemistry we portray in our live performances. Our debut EP is just a taste of what we’ve accomplished so far as an unknown band in the last 3 years of forming, though we have much more in store coming very soon!” The EP is nothing less than a heavy, aggressive, in-your-face experience; riffs that hook and engage the listener and keep them wanting more. The band makes a solid effort to maintain the brutality, but with a psychological aspect to it, as opposed to exclusively encompassing gore.

The EP was recorded, mixed, and mastered at Dark Moon Productions, who according to the band, did an awesome job providing them with the sound they were looking for, a modern production but rooted in the styles of the bands that founded this genre.

The self-titled EP is being released on May 7th, 2022.

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