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  • Jason Hesley

Blackened Death/Doom Offensive 1914 Re-Releases “The Blind Leading The Blind” + “Eschatology of War”

Today, Ukrainian blackened death/doom metal visionaries 1914 have announced the re-release of their highly acclaimed debut album, Eschatology of War, as well as their sophomore album, The Blind Leading The Blind. Both releases will now be available on cassette tape, limited to 200 copies per title and available exclusively via Napalm Records mailorder.

Profits of these limited edition cassette tapes will be donated to the band directly in order to support their country in the ongoing war.

1914 state:

Just like a hundred years ago, Ukraine is at war again. As a hundred years ago - the enemy is the same. Then, during the Great War, we were part of the Great European Family - the Habsburg Empire. Now we are fighting for our right to return to the great family of European nations. We are fighting for the right to exist, to live, to joy, to raise children and dream about the future. We sang about the Great War until this war came to our home and became a part of our everyday life. But we do not give up and the whole world is on our side, your help is incredibly important to us. All funds raised from the sales of these albums will go to support Ukraine in its fight against the invaders. Make your contribution to the fight against imperialism and tyranny! Remember - One day the empire will fall! A tyrant's overthrow is the only acceptable way!”

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