Norway’s leading extreme metal festival BEYOND THE GATES is now announcing the full line-up for what will be the metal event of the year. Mayhem will bring their highly anticipated 40 years anniversary show to the opening day of the festival. Grieghallen veteran, Enslaved, will this time celebrate their iconic breakthrough album, ‘Frost’ – and yes, you guessed it – it’s of course recorded in Grieghallen. The Italian cult phenomenon, Death SS will play their first show in Norway ever. Yes, you read that right Steve Sylvester will bring his theatrical heavy metal show to Bergen and Beyond the Gates. Whoredom Rife and Vemod will both launch new albums next year, and will be back at the festival. Add to that the US black metal favorites, Black Anvil, Polish Owls Woods Graves - featuring members of Mgla, German black heavy metal outfit, Attic and Norwegian newcomers, SYN. Over the past few days Beyond the Gates has announced a spectacular all-star tribute to Quorthon and the music of Bathory, and the Satyricon residency in Grieghallen, where the band will perform two unique sets with no repeats.