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Jason Hesley

Atmospheric Black Metal Conjurers GHOST HORIZON Unveil Their Latest Single "Void Plague"

Atmospheric black metal conjurers GHOST HORIZON have returned from an extended hiatus to unveil their latest single, "Void Plague". Ferocious, visceral screams and frenetic, tremolo-picked riffs dominate the soundscape. Gloomy, ominous clean vocals occasionally reach through the spectral mists and add a sense of foreboding to the fury. 

Guitarist and bassist Dan Stollings comments, "After taking an extended hiatus, Uraeus and I felt the time was right to create some new material. We agreed that teaming up once again was the best creative decision we could make for the band, and we are very excited to share with you our latest effort; ‘Void Plague’!"

Stream "Void Plague" here:

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