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  • Jason Hesley

At The Plates to release "Omnivore" in January!

Death metal’s culinary conjurers AT THE PLATES recently completed their sophomore full-length album and it's ready to launch from your plates to your ears! Omnivore, the follow up to 2020’s Starch Enemy, will be released January 5, 2024 on physical and digital formats. A deluxe edition, which contains two additional bonus tracks, will be available exclusively on Bandcamp.

Tony Rouse comments:

“Omnivore is inspired by my own personal life experiences. Several years ago I experienced some massive complications with my health, and it forced me to re-examine my lifestyle choices. While I don’t think people should cut themselves off from anything, I think it’s also important to live your life in balance, for various reasons.”

Take a generous helping of Gothenburg’s 1990’s death metal, add two cups of Floridian death metal, one and a half tablespoons of New York death metal, and finally a teaspoon or two of dissonant black metal popularized by DEATHSPELL OMEGA. Stir together, set in the oven at 666 degrees for 20 minutes, and voila! You’ve got yourself an idea of what to expect when listening to AT THE PLATES. The upcoming full length Omnivore takes a slightly more serious approach from the band's previous releases. The central theme of the album is ‘you are what you eat’ while still retaining their brutal sound and delivering light-hearted lyrics.

The album's opener "With Their Cutlets" is about a maniac killing his neighbors and turning them into dinner. This song highlights that you never really know where your food is coming from! "Terminal Filet Disease" directly ties into the central theme of the album. It’s meant to serve as a warning and also a beacon of hope that if you’re unhappy with yourself, it’s not too late to change. This track sees Danica Amore (ex-CAB RIDE HOME) belt out her fiery vocals on the 7+ minute epic.Taking an out of this world turn, "Roastwell 47" is about a group of drunk college students try to break into Roswell and are kidnapped and forced to eat extra-terrestrial cooking. "Open Buffet Surgery" follows a guy with an insatiable appetite who visits his local buffet and wreaks havoc. It’s about food addiction, and features crushing gutturals from Ryan Wolanski (SLAMADEUS).

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