Kronoceptor's "Exordium" unfolds as an epic concept single that heralds the onset of a grand narrative woven amidst the chaos of planetary turmoil. This piece stands as a striking showcase of the band's narrative artistry, seamlessly blending the dynamic energy of power metal with a story that resonates with the majestic and imaginative worlds crafted by esteemed acts like Dragonland and Nightwish. Slated for release on April 26, 2024, "Exordium" invites listeners to immerse themselves in its unfolding saga through pre-orders on Bandcamp and pre-saving on various streaming platforms. Tommy Gough, the mastermind behind Kronoceptor, single-handedly writes, records, mixes, and masters all the band's music within the creative sanctuary of his personal studio, ensuring that every note and nuance of "Exordium" is infused with his distinct artistic vision.
- Jason Hesley