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  • Jason Hesley

EMBR - Self Titled - (Prog Doom Metal) - Black Doomba Records!

Release Date: Global Release Date Dec 10, 2023.

Pre-Sale begins Friday Nov 10, 2023 exclusively at Black Doomba Records Bandcamp.

FFO: Oceans of Slumber, Windhand, Temptress

Location: Birmingham, Alabama

EMBR was formed in 2015 and quickly gained attention with their heavy, riff driven sound and captivating live performances. Their music draws influences from various sub-genres of rock and metal, creating a unique and powerful experience. The band consists of members Crystal Bigelow (vocals), Eric Bigelow (drums), Mark Buchanan (guitar), and Justin Regelin (bass). They have released 5 EP's and 1 full length album showcasing their talent and creativity in the doom/stoner rock scene. During the last half of 2023, a journey of singles and videos led to the next full-length album, entitled 'EMBR'. (pre-sale on Friday, November 10, 2023

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