Bay Area thrash legends DEATH ANGEL have released a new animated video produced by Ben Clarkson for the song "Aggressor," from their critically lauded album "Humanicide." The video arrives just ahead of the band's highly anticipated 7th annual "Another Death Angel XMas Show," which takes place over 2 days on December 19th (8PM PT/11PM ET) and 20th (12PM PT/3PM ET).
Commenting on the video, guitarist Rob Cavestany says:
“The idea started as a visualizer for the song but when we saw the footage we were hooked and knew it had to turn into a complete video. Ben did an incredible job of depicting the “Aggressor” concept and his artistic style is unique for Death Angel. The timing of this release couldn’t be better given the circumstances that surround us! See for yourself…"
The band will celebrate the holidays with "Another Death Angel XMas Show" live and streaming from The Great Northern in San Francisco on December 19th (8PM PT/11PM ET) and 20th (12PM PT/3PM ET). Tickets for the shows and a variety of VIP packages are on sale now!
Buy Tickets:
Saturday, December 19th -
Sunday, December 20th -
Commenting on the XMas shows the band says:
"The show must go on! The 7th Annual Death Angel Xmas show will be streamed from the Great Northern in San Francisco on two dates in December. In honor of this yearly tradition, we’re preparing to deliver a fully packed, high energy show that is sure to get you thrashing around on your living room floor! While we’ll miss seeing the faces of all the wonderful people that come out each and every year from near and far to help close out the year with us, we’re happy to be able to invite the rest of the world to be a part of this annual celebration of life and music."