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  • Jason Hesley

Aittala Shun Genres Boundaries With New Swing Metal Title Track Off Upcoming Album “Live to Regret”

Aittala defies the rules when it comes to metal genres, since their inception back in 1991 they have crossed boundaries with their version of eclectic doom metal, bringing in a wide range of influences that accent their sounds with hints of power metal, traditional metal, and sludge. They are getting ready to release their latest album “Live to Regret” via Exitus Stratagem Records and ahead of that are releasing the title track, a swing metal-inspired track about whether to keep secrets or come clean. On the recording and themes of the album guitarist/vocalist Eric Aittala had this to share:

“I wrote this album during a chaotic time in my life. Not only was it during the height of the lockdowns of the pandemic, but I was also in a very chaotic relationship. That chaos fueled my creativity both musically and lyrically. I was constantly walking on an uncertain tightrope and I never knew I was going to break. We hope the fans feel the same pleasure, pain, chaos, and passion that I was going through and infused into the songs when they listen to the album and singles.”

Watch and listen to the lyric video for the album title track via its premiere on Spaceuntravel -

“Live to Regret” will be the seventh addition to the Aittala discography, through which there has been a lot of evolution and growth. The core sound has remained constant but has steadily matured over time. The first two albums had programmed drums and were laden with synths/keys and were a bit more experimental. After Gary (drummer) joined the band for the third album, his drumming style helped further refine the unique sound. With the addition of Ali on bass, he brought a different musical perspective that is infused throughout the new album.

Aittala plays eclectic doom suitable for any metalhead with an open mind. They are recommended for fans of Eyehategod, Baroness, and Crowbar.

"Live to Regret" will be available on November 7, 2022, via Exitus Stratagem Records and was produced by Eric Aittala and John E. Wooten IV, who also mixed the record along with mastering by Dave Harris at Studio B Mastering. Album artwork by Mariano Pugliese.

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