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  • Jason Hesley

Colombian extreme metal act AIRE COMO PLOMO stream new video "Erase The One"

AIRE COMO PLOMO (translates to AIR LIKE GUNFIRE) also known as A.C.P is a Colombian extreme music group that combines Death grind, Thrash Metal and Hardcore Punk with elements of Avant-garde art and Latin-American horror and folklore. The name is commonly referred to as a metaphor for a forced and daily inhale of violence and savagery.

Inspired by the work of León Ferrari and the meaningless story behind the Colombian ideological warfare and injustice system , AIRE COMO PLOMO defies all idolatry and belief with an aggressive sonic hammer called “Erase the One”.

“Erase the One” is a call to rise up against fear, the establishment and idols fueled by the horrors of armed conflict.


Presented in Tarantinoesque anti-political propaganda aesthetics, the clip is a fast-paced montage of the band as street level and rebellious apes, performing aggressively against a collage of visuals inspired by the work of León Ferrari, the Colombian injustice system and a senseless history of ideological warfare. In this homage to grindhouse, graphic design and video art, A.C.P pulverizes all idolatry and belief with an aggressive sonic hammer called “Erase the One”.

Soundwise, A.C.P focuses on the rawness of their extreme metal and culture shock hybrid: a cinematic chain gang chant evocates times of repression and abuse as we dive headfirst into a savage Hardcore Punk, Black Metal and Grindcore mutant that nails the bands current musical direction with blunt determination.

“Erase the One” is a thought-provoking, transgressive congregation to rise up against fear, the establishment and idols fueled by the horrors of armed conflict.

*warning photosensitive viewers

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