New Jersey’s bone-shattering death metal band, COGNITIVE, have just released a new single today titled Rot Eternal. Check it out here.
Here’s what the band has to say about the new track: “Rot Eternal was the second song we had written for our upcoming album, and when we did our pre-production recording we kept coming back to the song and saying ‘man this is like, REALLY awesome.’ We ended up tossing the idea around of releasing it as a stand alone single, and eventually went with it.
The single felt so cool to us with riffs repeating themselves, a gigantic slam in the middle, and the unexpected outro all felt so natural to us. Tying it all up is artwork by Dahmer Art which captures the song’s lyrical theme and everyone’s favorite topic…ZOMBIES! We hope you all enjoy this stand alone single, and keep an eye out for the new record next year!“
COGNITIVE is currently on tour with Portugal’s Analepsy for a month-long North American tour. The Quiescence Tour kicked off July 7th in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and runs through August 5th in Brooklyn, New York. Additional support will be provided by Wormhole and NecroticGoreBeast. The tour follows COGNITIVE‘s recent US tour supporting Gorod.