Wise Blood presents the self-titled debut album from melodic death thrashers ARDENT NOVA This project from Mike Pardi (EMPTY THRONE, ex-DRACONIS is a gauntlet of rousing riffs that will beckon fans of NITE, AMON AMARTH, and BATHORY's viking era to the battlefield.
Originally formed as PAGAN THUNDER 22 years ago, a dream inspired Pardi to change his project's name to ARDENT NOVA. The result is a thrilling hybrid of blackened battle thrash, epic trad metal, melodeath, and Valhallan violence. It's a rampage through the middle ages that balances menace with melody and majesty. While raving about the album's blend of sword-slashing genres, No Clean Singing called this debut record "pure heavy metal glory." Join ARDENT NOVA in combat and find out why.
ARDENT NOVA rise from the ashes on March 17th on Vinyl and CD from Wise Blood Records. Links: Pre-Order on Bandcamp: https://ardentnova.bandcamp.com/album/ardent-nova Ardent Nova on IG: https://www.instagram.com/ardent_nova/ Ardent Nova on FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087978697755 Wise Blood Records on Bandcamp: https://wisebloodrecords.bandcamp.com/